About Us.....
Join us...
in bringing happiness to a kallah in establishing their new home
Be our partners...
in helping supplying furniture and furnishings to engaged and newly married couples
Enable us...
in a discreet and honorable manner, provide a quality bed set, dinette, and sofa as well as a print from Irene’s private collection.
Help us...
gladden the heart of a new young couple with high-quality furnishings
Ensure that...
we perpetuate the memory of Irene Cohen A”H, paragon of hesed and loving-kindness to the community.

From a glimmer of hope...to a sparkling reality
Many would say it is the radiant smile, and undeniable sparkle in the eyes that mirror the inner emotions of exuberance upon a Kallah’s engagement.
Yet for many Kallahs and their parents, the intrinsic joy becomes muted by a sense of helplessness and anxiety. overshadowed by the overwhelming responsibilities. So many preparations . . . So many necessary purchases . . . So many expenses . . . It seems impossible.
We step in, and in a discreet and honorable manner, provide quality beds, mattresses and a beautiful dinette set.
The palpable sense of relief now allows the radiant smile and undeniable spark in the eyes of the Kallah and her family to shine once more.
We bring radiant sparkling joy!